Predator-Prey Model Research Questions

Welcome to the collaborative document discussing the predictions and validity of the Predator-Prey spreadsheet model. We will focus on the research questions posed in the Project 2 handout.

Behavior over time. . . . . .How do the fox and rabbit populations vary with time?

Relative size. . . . . . . . .Is there a relationship between the relative sizes of the populations?

Initial populations. . . . . . How do the initial populations affect values at later times?

Only rabbits. . . . . . . . .What if there are only rabbits present initially?

Only foxes. . . . . . . . . .What if there are only foxes present initially?

Birth rate. . . . . . . . . .How does the rabbit birth rate affect the populations?

Death rate. . . . . . . . .How does the fox death rate affect the populations?

Zero population. . . . . . . .What if the foxes or rabbits die out?

Evaluate assumptions. . . . . .How can we improve the assumptions of the model?

Experimental observations. . . .How do experimental observations compare with the model's predictions?

Anything Else? . . . . . . . .Is there anything else you would like to add to the discussion?

David Whisnant
Computer Science 101C
Wofford College
Spartanburg, SC

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