Birth Rate

The model may suggest how the birth rate of the rabbits will affect the populations.

Observe the predictions of the model for values in these ranges:

Initial # rabbits (R) between 50 and 200
Initial # foxes (F) between 50 and 200
Rabbit birth rate (B) between .04 and .07
Fox death rate (D) between .04 and .07

Question 14: In the model, how does the birth rate of the rabbits (B) affect the populations of foxes and rabbits?

The model illustrates how the Rabbits birth rate directly correlates with their growing population. According to the graph, by the end of the cycle, the Rabbit's population far exceeds that of the Fox's which demonstrates how the Fox's death rate accelerates the birth rate of the Rabbits
Additionally, the birth rate of the rabbits is greater than the rate of rabbit loss demonstrating a positive/growing trend; and the death rate of fox's is greater than their rate of gain illustrating a declining/dying trend. This means that the net gain of rabbits, from time 0-1000, is positive. Whereas the fox population, while growing steadily with the growth of the rabbit population, will eventually decline to the point of their extinction once the rabbit population reaches a certain level, and therefore demonstrates a negative net gain.

Question 15: Does this prediction make sense for a real system? Why or why not?

The prediction is accurate because rabbits procreate at a more rapid level than the foxes die off. When there are lots of rabbits it is easier for the foxes to find and obtain food, therefore when the percentage of rabbits is extremely high it falls at a more quicker rate. This high population of rabbits also explains the trend of the foxes population percentage to take a steady incline. When there are more rabbits, foxes are able to have more babies because they are more easily able to find food to nourish them.

NOTE: Until April 17, please answer only one of the unanswered research questions. If you have an original contribution to make on a question someone else already has answered, you may include it at any time.

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